freshwater mussels

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freshwater mussels decline PNW
Photo by Taylor Friehl on Unsplash

Pacific Northwest’s freshwater mussels now ‘screaming’ for help

Almost every population of Northwest freshwater mussels is declining. Researchers hope to figure out what’s going on so they can save these keystone species.
This unsung aquatic hero could get a big boost from dam removals

This unsung aquatic hero could get a big boost from dam removals

Freshwater mussels are some of the most imperiled species in North America. Experts say we can change that by rethinking our infrastructure.
The mysterious demise of freshwater mussels

The mysterious demise of freshwater mussels

Mass mussel casualties, like those in Ohio's Big Darby Creek, are relatively new, and they are now happening worldwide.
A freshwater mussel apocalypse is underway—and no one knows why

A freshwater mussel apocalypse is underway—and no one knows why

Is it climate change, pollution, an unknown disease? A dedicated few are trying to crack the mystery.
Mussel Woman: Biologist passes along pears of wisdom about threatened mussels

Mussel Woman: Biologist passes along pears of wisdom about threatened mussels

Janet Clayton has studied freshwater mussels for 30 years. Now she's passing along her knowledge -- and raising alarms -- about these endangered animals.