fossiil fuels
Ukraine war makes fossil fuel finance pledge tricky
IPCC: We can tackle climate change if big oil gets out of the way
How do you talk about mitigating climate change without confronting the fossil fuel industry? “It’s like Star Wars without Darth Vader,” says environmental sociologist Robert Brulle, of Brown University.
Looking at new North Sea gas supplies may not be palatable but is pragmatic
If the UK is going to need gas well into the 2030s, it would surely be better to get it close to home.
Greens unveil $19bn plan to subsidise coal workers to transition away from fossil fuel jobs
The Greens have proposed a $19bn plan to diversify fossil fuel-reliant towns and subsidise the wages of coal workers who transition into new jobs, saying employees can stay in mining but should seek employment in critical minerals or green metals.
Former coal power site in Massachusetts to become offshore wind plant
The site of the last coal-fired power plant in Massachusetts will become home to the state’s first offshore wind manufacturing facility, Governor Charlie Baker says.
Fighting climate change might have just gotten easier
A court in The Netherlands has ruled that Royal Dutch Shell must reduce its carbon emissions—and more.
Maui council committee takes action on climate change litigation
The Maui County Council Governance, Ethics and Transparency Committee recommended that the full Council approve a resolution to hire special counsel to represent Maui County in litigation against fossil fuel companies.