forest trackers

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Gloved hands holding a globe of the earth with a small plant growing from the top.
Space shuttle view of the the Earth through a portal.
Oil drilling pump jacks silhouetted against the sunset.
E.P.A. closes environmental justice offices.
Deforestation in Triunfo do Xingu reserve
Tropical Forest Fires Watch/Flickr

Deforestation ‘out of control’ in reserve in Brazil’s cattle capital

Forest destruction has ravaged Triunfo do Xingu, a reserve earmarked for sustainable use that has nonetheless become one of the most deforested slices of the Brazilian Amazon.

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armed groups occupy, deforest Colombian national park
Andrew Neild/Flickr

‘Panic’ sets in as armed groups occupy, deforest Colombian national park

Authorities say illegal cattle ranching, coca growing and land-grabbing are driving deforestation in the park, much of it reportedly done at the hands of armed groups affiliated with FARC dissident factions.

Indigenous lands under siege as buffalo frenzy grips the Amazon

Indigenous lands under siege as buffalo frenzy grips the Amazon

TRINCHEIRA INDIGENOUS TERRITORY, Brazil — Deep in the Trincheira reserve, our motor boat winds through a maze of streams, or igarapés, sliding past dense submerged rainforest. It halts on the riverbank, in the cool shadow of the towering trees. Just meters into the jungle, though, the emerald canopy gives way to a vast stretch of […]
Agriculture, mining, hunting push critically endangered gorillas to the brink

Agriculture, mining, hunting push critically endangered gorillas to the brink

Congo serves as an essential carbon sink, storing an estimated 22.9 gigatons of carbon and is also one of the world's most important biodiversity hotspots.