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two men on a roof installing solar panels
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She was on the front lines of whale conservation. Now she’s on the front lines of war

Olga Shpak is one of thousands of researchers whose life’s work has been set adrift by the war, as she and her peers have been forced to flee the region or stay and fight.

climate politics uk diplomacy
Photo by Sean Robbins on Unsplash

UK accused of ‘backward step’ for axing top climate diplomat role

The UK government has axed its most senior climate diplomat post. The last special representative for climate change, Nick Bridge, stood down recently after six years in post and is not being replaced.

climate energy politics

Biden's global promises held back by politics at home

Domestic politics have routinely been a roadblock when it comes to taking action on climate change, taxes and pandemic relief, undermining hopes that President Biden could swiftly restore the U.S. to its unquestioned role as a global leader.

At Summit of the Americas, Biden seeks unity on climate change

At Summit of the Americas, Biden seeks unity on climate change

President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris on Thursday will announce two initiatives at the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles aimed at tackling climate change and boosting clean energy in a region often overlooked in U.S. foreign policy.
Orbán’s price: What will it take to get Hungary to ban Russian oil?

Orbán’s price: What will it take to get Hungary to ban Russian oil?

Brussels eyes the EU leaders’ summit at the end of May for a sanctions deal as hopes of a breakthrough fade.
Russia just seized Chernobyl. Here's why it matters

Russia just seized Chernobyl. Here's why it matters

"A nuclear reactor is a vulnerable source of energy because it relies on peace and stability."
Fossil fuel's downfall could be America's too

Fossil fuel's downfall could be America's too

How U.S. polluters might drag the country’s economy down with them.