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trump plans to dismantle climate funding
Australia weighs delay on 2035 climate goals amid US election uncertainty
Biden's climate law may boost oil production through enhanced recovery
European farming lobbies agree to shift toward less meat consumption
Floods once again devastate Pakistan, two years after 2022 disaster

Floods once again devastate Pakistan, two years after 2022 disaster

As monsoon rains lash Pakistan, millions still recovering from the catastrophic 2022 floods face renewed damage and uncertainty.

Zia ur-Rehman reports for The New York Times.

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Los Angeles adapts to heavy storms by becoming a 'sponge city'
Credit: wasi1370/Pixabay

Los Angeles adapts to heavy storms by becoming a 'sponge city'

A supercharged February storm brought record rainfall to Los Angeles, testing and validating new infrastructure designed to absorb water and prevent catastrophic flooding.

Jonathan Thompson reports for High Country News.

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Extreme weather is worsening child marriages in Pakistan

Extreme weather is worsening child marriages in Pakistan

Child marriages in Pakistan are on the rise as extreme weather events like floods force impoverished families to marry off young daughters for financial survival.

Haroon Janjua reports for Deutsche Welle.

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Innovative concrete mix combats urban floods using seashell waste

Innovative concrete mix combats urban floods using seashell waste

A new type of permeable concrete made from discarded shellfish is helping to reduce flooding in Blackpool, England, by absorbing excess water in urban areas.

Ayurella Horn-Muller reports for Grist.

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Climate risks may trigger the next housing crisis

Climate risks may trigger the next housing crisis

Climate change is making U.S. homes riskier investments, as rising insurance costs signal a looming housing bubble that could devastate the economy.

Zoë Schlanger reports for The Atlantic.

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Sherpas question safety of Everest villages after floods devastate homes

Sherpas question safety of Everest villages after floods devastate homes

Sherpas in the Everest region are questioning the safety of their villages after a glacial lake burst on August 16, destroying homes and leaving many uncertain about their future.

Navin Singh Khadka reports for BBC.

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Urban planning may worsen flood risks in cities

Urban planning may worsen flood risks in cities

A study from UC Irvine suggests that urban street layouts and building density may be exacerbating flood severity in areas already vulnerable to extreme weather caused by climate change.

Shannon Udasin reports for The Hill.

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