flood control

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plastic PVC pipes
A large white sign reading "unite behind the science" hangs from a balcony.
Black smoke rises and spreads from a chemical disaster site in a city.
Smoke coming out from industrial towers at dusk.
assateague island wetlands bird
Photo by Sara Cottle on Unsplash

Albert C. Lin: The Supreme Court just shriveled federal protection for wetlands, leaving many of these valuable ecosystems at risk

In Sackett v. EPA, a suit filed by two homeowners who filled in wetlands on their property, the Supreme Court has drastically narrowed the definition of which wetlands qualify for federal protection.
Making room for the river: Communities look at nature-based solutions
Photo by Robert Linder on Unsplash

Making room for the river: Communities look at nature-based solutions

Many communities are shifting away from traditional flood mitigation tactics to make room for the water instead.
The impossible battle to flood-proof New York City

The impossible battle to flood-proof New York City

To manage the rising risk of extreme rainfall, the Big Apple will need to get spongier. Here’s how creating more green infrastructure could keep the city high and dry. 
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Waikiki Beach is vanishing. Nobody can agree what to do next

Waikiki Beach is vanishing. Nobody can agree what to do next

Hawaii’s most iconic beach is quickly becoming a poster child for why it’s so hard to adapt to a changing climate.

oysters climate solutions
Photo by Bruce Chapman on Unsplash

Calling all oysters: Billions of bivalves enlisted in climate fight

Several US states are deploying oysters to build natural reefs for flood control, and the trend could help move the energy policy needle on climate action.

To fight floods, New York City rebuilds a wall of oysters

To fight floods, New York City rebuilds a wall of oysters

Thousands of acres of undersea reefs once protected the city’s shoreline. Now an army of volunteers is bringing the bivalves back, one shell at a time.