flash droughts

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Virginia farmers struggle with heat and drought during tough growing season

Virginia farmers struggle with heat and drought during tough growing season

A combination of extreme heat and prolonged drought devastated Virginia vegetable crops this summer, forcing farmers to adjust their methods in hopes of preserving their harvests.

Sean Sublette reports for Inside Climate News.

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Photo by Keagan Henman on Unsplash

Jeff Basara and Jordan Christian: Farmers face soaring risk of flash droughts in every major food-growing region

Flash droughts develop fast, and when they hit at the wrong time, they can devastate a region’s agriculture. They’re also becoming increasingly common as the planet warms.

'Flash droughts' and weather 'whiplash.' Welcome to New England’s climate future

'Flash droughts' and weather 'whiplash.' Welcome to New England’s climate future

Historically, New England got a short drought about every ten years. Climate change is making them more frequent.
More studies, faster forecasting needed to fight flash drought, says paper

More studies, faster forecasting needed to fight flash drought, says paper

Researchers are arguing for new models to better plan for a recent climate phenomenon: flash droughts.