financial risk

Top Tweets
Wind turbine blades could soon be recyclable
Chevron agrees to a $550 million settlement with California city
Trump and Vance make misleading claims about Harris's energy policies in swing states
The Army Corps and NYC criticized for ignoring local voices in climate resilience efforts
NuScale small-scale nuclear plant

The first small-scale nuclear plant in the US died before it could live

Six nuclear reactors just 9 feet across planned for Idaho were supposed to prove out the dream of cheap, small-scale nuclear energy. Now the project has been canceled.
financial sector failing climate risk

The financial sector is failing to estimate climate risk, say two groups in the UK

Economic models have been slow to grasp the potential damage of warming, which means companies and consumers often don’t realize their investments may be in danger.
fossil fuels investment & divestment

States that limit business with banks that 'boycott' fossil fuels could pay high cost, study says

Policies to boost fossil fuels by prohibiting governments from doing business with companies that take sustainability into consideration has the potential to cost states millions.
climate change future impacts

How bad will climate change get? Just look at the U.S.

“As the world warms, the United States warms more,” reads the latest National Climate Assessment.

Biden pushes to require big federal contractors to cut climate pollution

Biden pushes to require big federal contractors to cut climate pollution

The proposed rule marks a significant step toward greening the government’s sprawling operations and one that could ripple across the U.S. supply chain.
Treasury Dept. to ask insurers for data on climate risks to measure coverage affordability

Treasury Dept. to ask insurers for data on climate risks to measure coverage affordability

The department is proposing to gather information from across the country to establish where climate change is making property insurance unaffordable or inaccessible.
Is it time to rethink what ESG investing means?

Is it time to rethink what ESG investing means?

With Tesla off of one ESG index but still on others—and Exxon listed on an index that excludes companies that extract oil sands—what does ESG investing overall actually prioritize?