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Wind turbine blades could soon be recyclable
global plastic pollution treaty
Biden's top climate advisor visits China to push for stronger emission cuts
Trump and Vance make misleading claims about Harris's energy policies in swing states
farming climate change

The race for eco-friendly ammonia production heats up

In a bid to tackle the climate crisis, companies are innovating to create green ammonia, aiming to revolutionize agriculture and fuel industries.

Chris Baraniuk reports for the BBC.

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farming nitrogen pollution

Agricultural nitrogen pollution is global threat, but circular solutions await

Carbon dioxide is just one of several powerful greenhouse gases destabilizing the global climate, and just one of the human-produced pollutants severely impacting the natural world and threatening to push Earth out of its current habitable state.

minnesota farm
Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

Minnesota's burgeoning fertilizer problem

Minnesota’s water supply continues to be contaminated by fertilizer due to lackluster regulations and climate change.

tallying agricultural pollution

A precise tally of agricultural pollution? Farmers are working on it.

Fertilizer, fossil fuels and cows mean farming creates 10% of Canada’s carbon pollution. Measuring it all is a complex and uncertain task.

lake okeechobee toxic algae water contamination

Lake Okeechobee’s toxic algae blooms threaten Florida and could get worse

Electric green algal blooms are spreading, threatening wildlife, pets, people and cities. And algae season is only getting started.
millet farming food climate
Image by Bishnu Sarangi from Pixabay

As Farmers Face a Warmer Future, an Ancient Grain Shows Promise

The Midwest is known for its rows and rows of corn and soybeans that uniformly cover the landscape. But in central Missouri, farmer Linus Rothermich disrupts the usual corn and soybean rotation with Japanese millet. He has been growing it since 1993.