federal election 2019

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A group of people march with science advocating for science.
Oil pump jacks and flares with vegetation in foreground.
Images of a chicken and a pig fade into images of piles of pharmaceutical capsules.
An African man and woman pour water on a trough of charcoal and move it around with a stick.
Trudeau highlights climate-change plan in Arctic, which is vulnerable to warming

Trudeau highlights climate-change plan in Arctic, which is vulnerable to warming

Trudeau said that policy is meant to tackle priorities identified by northerners, and that it includes development alongside environmental protection.
Chantal Hébert: Scheer’s Conservatives may come to regret not getting serious about climate change

Chantal Hébert: Scheer’s Conservatives may come to regret not getting serious about climate change

In a campaign, actions speak louder than words and on Friday, Andrew Scheer's decision to take a pass on the climate march could not but speak loudly as to the depth or lack thereof of his party's commitment to tackling climate change.

NDP pledges $2.5 billion more to prevent disastrous effects of climate change

NDP pledges $2.5 billion more to prevent disastrous effects of climate change

The national Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund has already set aside $2 billion to support large-scale infrastructure programs.
‘Friends of Science’ thanks Elections Canada for warning on climate-change talk

‘Friends of Science’ thanks Elections Canada for warning on climate-change talk

The group, which says climate change is not caused by carbon-dioxide emissions but rather by the sun, says Elections Canada is right to keep a close eye on campaign-period communications.
Scientists call on Elections Canada to clarify policy on climate change advertising

Scientists call on Elections Canada to clarify policy on climate change advertising

The scientists are calling on Elections Canada to clarify how it interprets issue-based advertising rules in the Elections Act so that groups can advertise on climate change issues without having to register as third parties.
Scheer fails to deliver realistic climate-change plan

Scheer fails to deliver realistic climate-change plan

Missing from the Conservative leader’s plan is any concrete notion of how Canada under a Conservative government would meet its Paris greenhouse-gas emission targets.