
Top Tweets
trump plans to dismantle climate funding
Australia weighs delay on 2035 climate goals amid US election uncertainty
Biden's climate law may boost oil production through enhanced recovery
European farming lobbies agree to shift toward less meat consumption
Solar farms could rejuvenate coal country

Solar farms could rejuvenate coal country

Efforts are underway in Wyoming’s Powder River Basin to transform reclaimed coal mines into solar farms, potentially revitalizing the local economy despite grid limitations and community attachment to fossil fuels.

Jake Bolster reports for Inside Climate News.

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Tech alone won’t fix farm food waste without labor reforms

Tech alone won’t fix farm food waste without labor reforms

Farmers are using technology to reduce food waste, but without addressing labor abuses and immigration policies, these efforts fall short.

Ted Genoways reports for Inverse.

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farm irrigation
Image by Joseph Fulgham from Pixabay

A tangle of rules to protect America’s water is falling short

The Times asked all 50 states how they police the use of valuable groundwater. Their answers reveal why the country is draining and damaging its aquifers so rapidly.
solar farms
Image by Zsuzsa Bóka from Pixabay

Energy firms, green groups and others reach deal on solar farms

The agreement could help speed up the development of large solar projects that are often bogged down by fights over land use and environmental concerns.

California solar farms

As California gets drier, solar panels could help farms save water

Agrivoltaics—or on-farm solar arrays—are still rare in California, but experts say the shade they provide could be a game-changer in a state where many farms are struggling to plan for a future with limited groundwater.

tim peake solar farm

Tim Peake backs idea for solar farms in space as costs fall

Astronaut Maj Peake said the falling cost of launching heavy cargoes into orbit means that complex structures, such as solar power farms, could soon be launched into space, and had the potential to provide significant power.

solar farms equity justice climate wisconsin
Photo by Raphael Cruz on Unsplash

SolarShare Wisconsin Cooperative aims to make investing in clean energy accessible to all

Solar farms are popping up across Wisconsin, and a new cooperative wants to make sure that everyone can benefit from the growing industry.