factory farming;industrialized agriculture

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plastic PVC pipes
A large white sign reading "unite behind the science" hangs from a balcony.
Black smoke rises and spreads from a chemical disaster site in a city.
Smoke coming out from industrial towers at dusk.
climate farm bill robert b semple

Robert B. Semple Jr.: America has a chance to make farming more climate friendly

Legislators took a major step in making sure that American agriculture policy has a climate lens going forward. But the next Farm Bill could derail it.
The hidden costs of cheap meat

The hidden costs of cheap meat

The animal rights activist Leah Garcés discusses how modern meat production harms animals, people and the environment.
Book review: When thousands of hogs are your neighbors

Book review: When thousands of hogs are your neighbors

In “Wastelands,” Corban Addison tells the extraordinary story of how some North Carolina residents stood up to a meatpacking company polluting their communities.
Meet the people getting paid to kill our planet

Meet the people getting paid to kill our planet

American agriculture is ravaging the air, soil and water. But a powerful lobby has cleverly concealed its damage.
Ezra Klein: Let’s launch a moonshot for meatless meat

Ezra Klein: Let’s launch a moonshot for meatless meat

It wouldn’t actually take that much of an investment for Biden to get us headed in the right direction.
New Delhi introduces campaign to curb pollution ahead of winter

New Delhi introduces campaign to curb pollution ahead of winter

In winter, India’s capital is regularly covered in toxic haze. Officials warned that filthy air could make the coronavirus pandemic more dangerous.
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Jonathan Safran Foer: The coronavirus and a world without meat

Jonathan Safran Foer: The coronavirus and a world without meat

If you care about the working poor, about racial justice, and about climate change, you have to stop eating animals.