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plastic PVC pipes
A large white sign reading "unite behind the science" hangs from a balcony.
Black smoke rises and spreads from a chemical disaster site in a city.
Smoke coming out from industrial towers at dusk.
carbon capture needs carbon pipelines

Carbon capture in Iowa: A lifeline or a pipe dream?

In absence of smarter rules to limit the environmental impacts of farming, Iowans should be wary of new lifelines for the ethanol industry.
plan for solving climate change

Legendary VC John Doerr has a plan for solving climate change

John Doerr’s new book, 'Speed and Scale: An Action Plan for Solving Our Climate Crisis Now,' is a checklist for global action.
climate-focused index fund

A climate-focused index fund will fight skeptical CEOs

The hedge fund that staged a revolt at Exxon last month is now recruiting an army of mom-and-pop investors for future battles.
Opinion: Externalities are our existential threat

Opinion: Externalities are our existential threat

It’s the “ex’s” we need to worry about the most. Externalities that create an existential threat. The ultimate threat: Our extinction.

Three things Christine Lagarde can do to cement her legacy on climate.

Managing Director Lagarde has positioned the IMF as an important and credible voice in the debate about climate change. Now it’s time for the Fund to expand and institutionalize this new role, helping poor and vulnerable countries understand and confront the macroeconomic and financial risks of climate change.

WASHINGTON DC, Oct 11 2017 (IPS) - The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and climate change do not often appear in the same headline together. Indeed, environmental issues have been, at most, peripheral to the Fund’s core functions. But now economists inside and outside the IMF are beginning to understand that climate change has significant implications for national and regional economies, and so it’s worth reconsidering the Fund’s role in addressing the climate challenge.

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Whitehouse's floor soliloquies chug on. Is anyone listening?

For the 180th time, Sheldon Whitehouse took to the Senate floor this month to warn of the perils of climate change, blasting the fossil fuel industry, corporate greed and the failure of market capitalism to address global warming.

For the 180th time, Sheldon Whitehouse took to the Senate floor this month to warn of the perils of climate change, blasting the fossil fuel industry, corporate greed and the failure of market capitalism to address global warming.

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States are using social cost of carbon in energy decisions, despite Trump's views.

The climate metric, maligned by the Trump administration, helps build the cost of future climate harms into state electricity plans and markets.

The climate metric, maligned by the Trump administration, helps build the cost of future climate harms into state electricity plans and markets.

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