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Are mining concerns for EV batteries exaggerated?

Are mining concerns for EV batteries exaggerated?

A new report from RMI suggests that worries about the demand for minerals for electric vehicle batteries may be overstated, highlighting the potential for recycling and innovation to reduce the need for new mining.

Julian Spector writes for Canary Media.

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EV infrastructure challenges for rural and Indigenous communities
Credit: Zaptec/Unsplash

EV infrastructure challenges for rural and Indigenous communities

Indigenous communities face significant challenges in adopting electric vehicles due to inadequate infrastructure, but advocates see potential solutions to bridge the gap.

Julia-Simone Rutgers reports for The Narwhal.

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Toxic chemicals in EV battery production raise health concerns

Toxic chemicals in EV battery production raise health concerns

As the demand for electric vehicle batteries grows, communities near production sites worry about toxic chemical exposure and health risks.

Craig Welch, Jana Cholakovska, Pooja Sarkar, Alec Gitelman, Emilie Rosso, and Clare Fieseler report for Mother Jones.

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Trump vows to dismantle Biden’s electric vehicle policies

Trump vows to dismantle Biden’s electric vehicle policies

Former President Donald Trump has pledged to dismantle President Biden's electric vehicle policies if re-elected, threatening tariffs and policy reversals.

Coral Davenport and Jack Ewing report for The New York Times.

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Electric car charging stations fall behind growing demand

Electric car charging stations fall behind growing demand

The rapid increase in electric vehicle sales in the U.S. is far outpacing the growth of public charging infrastructure, posing a challenge to widespread EV adoption.

Shannon Osaka reports for The Washington Post.

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EV truck
Photo by Cyrus Crossan on Unsplash

For truckers driving EVs, there’s no going back

Electric trucks still make up only a tiny fraction of trucks on the road in the United States.
Hybrid Toyota
Image by Hermann Traub from Pixabay

Hybrid cars enjoy a renaissance as all-electric sales slow

Automakers like Ford, Kia and Toyota are offering more hybrid options to appeal to buyers who aren’t ready for fully electric vehicles.