Politics www.insider.com The Doers: Alexandria Villaseñor is fighting climate change At 15 years old, Alexandria Villaseñor has established herself as a prominent player in the fight against climate change.
Impacts www.adventure-journal.com Rafting the Klamath River ahead of the biggest dam removal in history The Klamath is both an important source of irrigation water and critical spawning ground for steelhead, lamprey and five species of Pacific salmon.
Impacts therevelator.org How climate change will affect real lives — Now and in the future To better understand future climate projections, let’s look at how they may play out in the life of someone born in 2000.
Politics therevelator.org Declaring a climate change emergency: Would it be legal? Would it be useful? Environmental and constitutional law scholar Dan Farber explains what a climate change emergency declaration could achieve.
Impacts therevelator.org Mackenzie L. Kwak: Meet Australia’s newest species - an endangered tick The ancestors of the newly described Heath’s tick date back to the time of the dinosaurs, but climate change and invasive species could wipe the tick out.
therevelator.org Saving the world’s largest tropical wetland The Pantanal in South America is critical for fighting climate change and protecting endangered species. The race is on to protect it.
Solutions therevelator.org It’s time for journalism to ring the alarm about climate change more loudly At the same time, reporters should be cautious not to oversell small and dubious solutions, as one recent case illustrates.