
Top Tweets
trump plans to dismantle climate funding
Australia weighs delay on 2035 climate goals amid US election uncertainty
Biden's climate law may boost oil production through enhanced recovery
European farming lobbies agree to shift toward less meat consumption
In El Salvador and beyond, an unsolved kidney disease mystery

In El Salvador and beyond, an unsolved kidney disease mystery

The ballooning epidemic has swamped hospitals and wiped out whole families. Baffled researchers can't agree on a cause.
Who are the children most at risk from climate change?

Who are the children most at risk from climate change?

Climate change affects everyone, but today's children are the ones who will be left to deal with the most disastrous consequences in the future.

artificial intelligence climate humans

Will AI save us from ourselves?

Humans are wired to deal with immediate threats like that what's that moving in the bushes. However, for long-term threats like climate change, people suffer from cognitive biases that often make us discount the extent of the threat or turn us into bystanders as we wait for someone else to deal with the problem.

Blue globe with people

Staying at home on planet Earth

The pandemic tells us that the right to shelter and habitat is an urgent and essential one, for humans and other creatures
Trump’s coronavirus musings put scientists on edge

Trump’s coronavirus musings put scientists on edge

The president’s habit of favoring his own judgments over those of the experts is vastly complicating efforts to fight the outbreak.
Coronavirus is what you get when you ignore science

Coronavirus is what you get when you ignore science

Scientists are all we have left. Pray for them.
Spread of virus could hasten the great coming apart of globalization

Spread of virus could hasten the great coming apart of globalization

As the coronavirus hits Europe, questions arise about dependency on China, the risks of air travel, climate change and a new racism in populist politics.