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plastic PVC pipes
A large white sign reading "unite behind the science" hangs from a balcony.
Black smoke rises and spreads from a chemical disaster site in a city.
Smoke coming out from industrial towers at dusk.
good news renewable energy climate

In a first, renewable energy is poised to eclipse coal in U.S.

The coronavirus has pushed the coal industry to once-unthinkable lows, and the consequences for climate change are big.
renewable energy coal climate

In a first, renewable energy is poised to eclipse coal in U.S.

The coronavirus has pushed the coal industry to once-unthinkable lows, and the consequences for climate change are big.
William E. Rees: Memo from a climate crisis realist: The choice before us

William E. Rees: Memo from a climate crisis realist: The choice before us

If we don't take these 11 key steps, we're kidding ourselves.

An Alabama coal mine that credits Trump for its revival

An Alabama coal mine that credits Trump for its revival

Buoyed by President Trump’s support for the industry, a veteran miner is putting his cash on the line and reopening his business.
Wyoming coal country may experience steady demand for up to 30 years

Wyoming coal country may experience steady demand for up to 30 years

Wyoming's coal mines may experience steady demand for the next 30 years, despite the planned retirement of many power plants that burn Powder River Basin coal, according to an article.