endangered species

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European farming lobbies agree to shift toward less meat consumption
Insurers leave Maui wildfire survivors in unsafe homes, families say
Seafood testing project aims to safeguard Indigenous food traditions
Texas debates over new oil and gas waste rule heat up
Flawed federal assessment for Gulf oil drilling is thrown out by court

Flawed federal assessment for Gulf oil drilling is thrown out by court

A U.S. District Court has rejected a flawed federal environmental assessment that underestimated the risks of offshore drilling to endangered marine species in the Gulf of Mexico.

Aman Azhar reports for Inside Climate News.

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duke university

Duke University's decision to close major plant collection sparks outrage

Duke University has announced the closure of its herbarium, a significant blow to biodiversity research.

Carl Zimmer reports for The New York Times.

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salmon research
Photo by NOAA on Unsplash

Most money for endangered species goes to a small number of creatures, leaving others in limbo

Since passage of the Endangered Species Act 50 years ago, more than 1,700 plants, mammals, fish, insects and other species in the U.S. have been listed as threatened or endangered with extinction.
chocolate squares
Photo by Tamas Pap on Unsplash

Illegal cocoa farming threatens a Nigerian rainforest

As the world’s demand for chocolate grows, farmers in Nigeria are moving into protected areas of a forest reserve that’s home to endangered species like African forest elephants.
offshore oil spill
Photo by Maël BALLAND on Unsplash

More than 1 million gallons of oil leaks into Gulf of Mexico, potentially putting endangered species at risk

Officials have yet to find the source of the oil spill, which has left chunky globules and long slicks near a 67-mile-long pipeline system off the coast of Louisiana.
Australia crackdown on climate protesters

Australia crackdown on climate protesters grows amid fight against gas project

This is on trend with a general increasing intolerance toward environmental protesters in Australia and an uptick in the use of direct action by protesters who feel the time is running out to meet climate targets and protect endangered species.

Canada rejects emergency order to save spotted owls

Canada rejects emergency order to save spotted owls

The federal cabinet rejected Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault’s request for an order to protect the endangered spotted owl in Canada.