emissions standards

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trump plans to dismantle climate funding
Australia weighs delay on 2035 climate goals amid US election uncertainty
Biden's climate law may boost oil production through enhanced recovery
European farming lobbies agree to shift toward less meat consumption
Biden expected to allow California to set climate limits on cars

Biden expected to allow California to set climate limits on cars

The Golden State — which has long dealt with smoggy skies — often sets environmental policy other states eventually follow.
biden emissions energy toxics

21 states urge Biden to consider stricter car emissions rules than proposed

A coalition of 21 state attorneys general have urged the Biden administration to consider tighter vehicle tailpipe emissions standards than what the administration has currently proposed.

David Moscrop: What a Canada Supreme Court ruling teaches us about the global struggle against climate change

David Moscrop: What a Canada Supreme Court ruling teaches us about the global struggle against climate change

Canada’s approach models one way ahead: national minimum standards alongside respect for the autonomy of jurisdiction.
The California air quality guru who taught business to love the environment

The California air quality guru who taught business to love the environment

Praised by Republicans and Democrats, Mary Nichols is a contender for head of the EPA in a Biden administration.
How Biden may save U.S. gas exports to Europe

How Biden may save U.S. gas exports to Europe

Cleaning up fuel producers' climate pollution at home could help the industry avoid "a trans-Atlantic green gas war."
GM exits suit challenging California's emissions standards

GM reverses on Trump, exits suit challenging California's tougher emissions standards

The upcoming change in administrations has led to a change of heart for one of the nation’s largest automakers.
How the Biden administration can reverse Trump’s environmental policies

How the Biden administration can reverse Trump’s environmental policies

And what actions the President-elect should prioritize.