effects of global warming

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environmental justice
Human activity pushes Earth's life-support systems past critical limits
Brazil president faces climate challenge at UN as Amazon fires burn at home
Climate Week: Fossil fuel industry slammed for ignoring climate goals
fall pollen
Image by WikimediaImages from Pixabay

Later fall frost extends allergy season

This summer’s record-breaking heat is lingering into fall: bad news for the 50 million people in the U.S. with allergies to ragweed pollen in the late summer and early fall.

Rising seas swamp Black, Spanish and Indigenous history in Northeast Florida

Rising seas swamp Black, Spanish and Indigenous history in Northeast Florida

Lincolnville is one of the historic areas in the nation’s oldest continuously occupied European settlement that are threatened by rising seas caused by temperature increases from fossil fuel pollution.

planting trees climate solutions
Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash

Why planting trees doesn’t necessarily help fight climate change

Based on an obvious fact – that trees capture carbon dioxide in order to grow – more and more massive reforestation initiatives are flourishing as a way to limit global warming. But the situation is actually more complex

ice sheets climate politics

Ginny Catania: Melting ice sheets show need for US government action now

In my Earth course at The University of Texas at Austin, we talk about the scientific, psychological, political, and economic decisions that have led to our current climate crisis. In the course's multiple discussions, the most frequent question I get from my students is, "Why is the government not acting on climate change?"

The coronavirus pandemic versus the climate change emergency

The coronavirus pandemic versus the climate change emergency

Today's coronavirus pandemic puts into some perspective the climate emergency, which has been running for nigh on 32 years.
In hot water: warming waters are stressing fish and the fishing industry

In hot water: warming waters are stressing fish and the fishing industry

Many fish are sensitive to temperature and can survive only in specific temperature ranges.