PoliticsFolsomNatural/Flickr/Commercial use & mods allowedhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ Paul Krugman: Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act is a huge, expensive, controversial success How to think about green industrial policy.
Top Story White House aims to reflect the environment in economic data The Biden administration has set out to measure the economic value of ecosystems, offering new statistics to weigh in policy decisions.
Impactscommons.wikimedia.org To ease the climate crisis, first figure out what works The Nobel Prize winner Esther Duflo said poorer nations are at ‘dramatic’ risk if policies, attitudes and support from rich countries do not improve.
Newslettercommons.wikimedia.org Pace of climate change sends economists back to drawing board Economists underestimated the impact of global warming, and their preferred policy solution floundered in the United States.
This pioneering economist says our obsession with growth must end “It’s a false assumption,” argues Herman Daly, “to say that growth is increasing the standard of living in the present world.”
Solutionscommons.wikimedia.org This pioneering economist says our obsession with growth must end “It’s a false assumption,” argues Herman Daly, “to say that growth is increasing the standard of living in the present world.”
Top Storypxhere.com Coal stocks rise, even as the planet warms As the prospects for strong government action to curb climate change grow less certain, energy shares, and especially coal mining stocks, are generating astonishing returns.