economics of energy

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TransCanada kills controversial Energy East Pipeline project.

TransCanada Corp. has pulled the plug on its controversial $15.7-billion Energy East Pipeline proposal, after slowing oil sands growth and heightened environmental scrutiny raised doubts about the viability of the project.

TransCanada kills controversial Energy East Pipeline project

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New Jersey’s solar sector is thriving: Now let’s fix it.

The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities is set to launch an industry study to assess whether or not the current structure has outlived its usefulness.

By almost any measure, New Jersey’s solar sector is thriving, but that isn’t preventing many folks from thinking it just may need some big fixes.

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Businesses need the certainty that RGGI's renewal provides.

Given immense opportunity for economic growth through the deployment of clean energy, it is encouraging to see RGGI-state governors step up and lead the way.

The Obama administration is pressing for reductions of carbon dioxide from power plants, the largest source of greenhouse gas in the U.S. Florida utilities are divided in their response to the initiative.

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Chicago town hall urges communities to take advantage of solar incentives.

Almost a year after Illinois enacted a sweeping energy bill, Chicago-area developers, advocates, and government agencies are hustling to prepare local communities to take full advantage of state incentives coming in the next few years.

Almost a year after Illinois enacted a sweeping energy bill, Chicago-area developers, advocates, and government agencies are hustling to prepare local communities to take full advantage of state incentives coming in the next few years.

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100 percent wishful thinking: The green-energy cornucopia.

The 100-percent dream has become dogma among liberals and mainstream climate activists. Serious energy scholars who publish analyses that expose the idea’s serious weaknesses risk being condemned as stooges of the petroleum industry or even as climate deniers.

100 Percent Wishful Thinking: The Green-Energy Cornucopia

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Advocates say Iowa utility’s proposal could lead to fee for solar customers.

An Iowa utility that failed earlier this year to impose new constraints on solar customers is making another attempt in its currently pending rate case.

An Iowa utility that failed earlier this year to impose new constraints on solar customers is making another attempt in its currently pending rate case.

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Could papayas help Hawaii become energy independent?

A plant pathologist and her team of researchers have been gathering leftover papayas from local packing houses and turning them into a fuel that’s used to produce biodiesel.


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