
Top Tweets
trump plans to dismantle climate funding
Australia weighs delay on 2035 climate goals amid US election uncertainty
Biden's climate law may boost oil production through enhanced recovery
European farming lobbies agree to shift toward less meat consumption
renewable energy transition
Credit: MIRO3D/BigStock Photo

Reimagining energy: The rise of free solar power

A solar revolution is underway, with experts predicting that by 2030, solar power could be effectively free during daylight hours in many regions.

David Wallace-Wells writes for The New York Times.

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Canada imposes new tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles

Canada imposes new tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles

Canada is enacting a 100% tariff on Chinese-made electric vehicles, mirroring U.S. actions taken due to China's alleged market-distorting subsidies.

Rob Gillies reports for The Associated Press.

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Wyoming hesitates to embrace solar energy despite its potential

Wyoming hesitates to embrace solar energy despite its potential

Wyoming has the ideal conditions for solar energy, yet its development lags behind due to political and economic ties to fossil fuels.

Jake Bolster reports for Inside Climate News.

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Sweden climate & energy policy
Credit: Timmy_L/Flickr

Sweden shows how to slash emissions while boosting the economy

Sweden has managed to cut 80% of its emissions since 1990 while doubling its economy, proving that economic growth and climate protection can go hand in hand.

Anne-Sophie Brändlin reports for DW.

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The cultural legacy of coal mining and its relevance to renewable energy

The cultural legacy of coal mining and its relevance to renewable energy

Coal mining, while hazardous and polluting, fostered strong community bonds and cultural pride that could be emulated in the renewable energy sector.

Richard Smyth reports for the BBC.

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Plastic pollution reductions
Credit: Sam Felder/Flickr

Plastic Free July needs systemic change, not just consumer action

A recent analysis argues that while Plastic Free July aims to reduce plastic use, significant impact requires action from governments and companies, not just consumers.

Bhavna Middha and Ralph Horne write for The Conversation.

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funding conservative climate groups
Credit: COP26/Karwai Tang/Flickr

Who funds conservative climate groups

A surprising coalition of philanthropists, including liberal donors, is supporting conservative climate change initiatives to foster bipartisan solutions.

Timothy Cama and Kelsey Brugger report for E&E News.

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