ecological footprint

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trump plans to dismantle climate funding
Australia weighs delay on 2035 climate goals amid US election uncertainty
Biden's climate law may boost oil production through enhanced recovery
European farming lobbies agree to shift toward less meat consumption
farmed chicken salmon environment

Farmed salmon or chicken? Environmental footprint research can guide eco-conscious consumers

Shall I order the chicken, or the salmon? What does the science say about reducing pressure on the environment? When you take a big-picture view, the results can be surprising.
locally grown not always sustainable

Mexican tomatoes can be more sustainable than local ones

A tomato grown in a Mexican field and trucked north is about six times more climate-friendly than one raised in a Canadian gas-heated greenhouse.

This wild-looking domed house is made out of dirt by a giant 3D printer

This wild-looking domed house is made out of dirt by a giant 3D printer

These 645-square-foot domed buildings were printed in Italy over the course of 200 hours.
population growth climate change development aid

Opinion: Humanity needs to halt both population growth and climate change

Continued population growth needs to be halted to reach an ecologically sustainable future. Increased foreign aid could help.
The Earth is telling us we must rethink our growth society

The Earth is telling us we must rethink our growth society

In two centuries, human population has spiked seven-fold and consumption by 100 times. 'The Earth will have its revenge,' warns noted UBC systems ecologist William Rees, co-inventor of the ecological footprint concept.

William E. Rees: The earth is telling us we must rethink our growth society

William E. Rees: The earth is telling us we must rethink our growth society

However horrific the COVID-19 pandemic may seem, it is merely one symptom of gross human ecological dysfunction.

Mark Beeson: As Earth's population heads to 10 billion, does anything Australians do on climate change matter?

Mark Beeson: As Earth's population heads to 10 billion, does anything Australians do on climate change matter?

To be clear, I'm not advocating compulsory population control, here or anywhere. But we do need to consider a future with billions more people, many of them aspiring to live as Australians do now.