The world is finally cracking down on ‘greenwashing’ The plan to stop companies from fudging their climate goals is fundamentally flawed. 'Solar geoengineering' could make malaria even worse A popular idea to soften the blow of global warming might also make the world’s malaria problem even worse.
Impacts Photo by Louis Maniquet on Unsplash How bad will climate change get? What happens when we do something—but not enough—to stop climate change?
UN Photo by Callum Shaw on Unsplash The latest IPCC report is a catastrophe Climate change is here, it’s a crisis, and it’s caused by fossil fuels.
Politics How to understand the IPCC’s new climate warning Here are seven ways of understanding the IPCC’s newest climate warning.
Impacts No ecosystem on Earth is safe from climate change If carbon emissions continue to grow, anyone who works with the land could face ‘unprecedented challenges.’
Newsletter Scientists have uncovered a disturbing climate change precedent During the rise of mammals, Earth's temperatures spiked in a scary way that the planet may experience again soon.