crop diversity

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food crop diversity climate earl blumenauer

Rep. Earl Blumenauer wants to help you care about the farm bill

As he reintroduces his Food and Farm Act, the Oregon Democrat is pushing for more support for young farmers and small-scale operations, reforming crop subsidies, and more crop diversity on farms.

heat-stressed bees & global food supply

How to help heat-stressed bees and protect global food supply

Plants struggle to produce nectar and pollen during heatwaves, limiting the pollinating power of bees or butterflies. Researchers are finding ways for agriculture to adjust to a hotter world.
The race to protect the food of the future – why seed banks alone are not the answer

The race to protect the food of the future – why seed banks alone are not the answer

A historian argues for conservation strategies that embrace creativity and diverse farming methods.
bees are dying

What′s the big deal if bees are dying?

We are losing billions of bees every year to many complicated causes, including climate change, decreasing crop diversity and habitat loss. Why does it matter if bees are around?
How regenerative farming could help Canada meet its new carbon emission targets

How regenerative farming could help Canada meet its new carbon emission targets

Unconventional farming techniques can improve soil health while helping to sequester carbon through approaches like cover cropping, crop diversity, and protecting watersheds.
Our future food supply depends on endangered wild crops

Our future food supply depends on endangered wild crops

The lead author of a new study on the important role wild plants play in food crop diversity and climate mitigation calls for greater conservation efforts.
the world’s seed vaults hold strong

Through war, wildfire and pandemic, the world’s seed vaults hold strong

The global network of plant gene banks has shown resilience and cooperation, growing in importance as an estimated 40% of plant species are threatened with extinction and the crops used to feed the world become less diverse.