
Top Tweets
Wind turbine blades could soon be recyclable
global plastic pollution treaty
Biden's top climate advisor visits China to push for stronger emission cuts
Trump and Vance make misleading claims about Harris's energy policies in swing states
Big Oil could face murder charges over extreme-heat deaths

Big Oil could face murder charges over extreme-heat deaths

Advocates push for criminal prosecution of fossil fuel companies, citing over 400 heat-related deaths in Arizona.

Matthew Rozsa reports for Salon.

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Pipeline project faces tribunal over environmental and Indigenous rights violations

Pipeline project faces tribunal over environmental and Indigenous rights violations

The Mountain Valley Pipeline, now operational, was recently condemned at a "rights of nature" tribunal for infringing on environmental and Indigenous rights.

Hannah Chanatry reports for Inside Climate News.

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German climate activists face charges for 'forming a criminal organization'

German climate activists face charges for 'forming a criminal organization'

Five members of the German climate group Letzte Generation have been charged with "forming a criminal organization," potentially setting a precedent for criminalizing climate protests.

Damien Gayle reports for The Guardian.

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wildfire effects

Quebec man pleads guilty to what he accused the government of: Starting wildfires

A Quebec resident who last summer had shared conspiracy theories online suggesting that the Canadian government was deliberately starting wildfires to convince people climate change is happening has now pleaded guilty to setting more than a dozen fires.

climate justice
Photo by Nik on Unsplash

How this climate activist justifies political violence

“The reason that people contemplate escalation is that there are no risk-free options left,” says the author of "How to Blow Up a Pipeline."

exxon sign
Big Stock Photo

Private eye behind #ExxonKnew hacking scheme faces jail time

Climate activists say sentencing of Aviram Azari is an "empty win" because they still don’t know who ordered him to infiltrate their email accounts.
exxon hacked information
Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Exxon relied on hacked info in fight against climate probes — court docs

In its battle against climate investigations in Massachusetts and New York, Exxon Mobil cited news reports that leaned on stolen information, according to court documents filed last week in connection with a vast hacking-for-hire scheme.