cover crops
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Cover crops can help fight climate change effects on US farms
Farmers used to plant "cover crops" to rejuvenate fields in the off season. When those were replaced with chemicals, the soil suffered.
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A pillar of the climate-smart agriculture movement is on shaky ground
Cover crops have gained elite status as a way for farmers to fight climate change. But a closer look at the growing body of research raises questions about their ability to lower greenhouse gas emissions.
USDA conservation grants prop up agribusiness as usual
"Only a miniscule fraction" of program cash is going toward "climate-smart" practices.
USDA spending only a sliver of conservation funding on climate-smart practices, a new report finds
The U.S. Department of Agriculture spent $7.4 billion dollars on two of its conservation programs in recent years, but a report from an environmental group found a very small percentage of that money went to practices that help fight climate change.
Hot Farm Podcast Episode 1: Change is hard
In Hot Farm, the Food & Environment Reporting Network travels across the Midwest, talking to farmers about what they are doing, or could be doing, to combat climate change.
NRCS Oregon/ Flickr
Regenerative agriculture can combat climate change and keep food on our plates. Here’s how it works
The past decade has seen exploding interest in an approach to farming focused on soil health called regenerative agriculture, which proponents say can help fix the climate crisis. The problem? No one agrees on what regenerative agriculture actually means.
Sustainable farming practice mitigates climate change impacts
A practice called regenerative farming could be the next step for sustainable farming in Pennsylvania. It reduces carbon, a greenhouse gas driving global warming, and improves water quality.