PoliticsJoslynLM/Flickr/Commercial use & mods allowed Renters face another hot summer with scant protections Two years after the deadly heat dome, urgent action is needed to safeguard BC’s tenants.
Causescommons.wikimedia.org Krill (Yes, Krill) know a few things about green building Researchers from the University of Toronto are borrowing from krill biology to develop new technologies to cool down indoor environments.
Resiliencecommons.wikimedia.org High temperatures in Europe: Why France, Germany, and the United Kingdom still resist air conditioning. Even record-setting temperatures can’t melt the continent’s reluctance to install cooling technology.
Impactswww.flickr.com Oregon, Washington grapple with Pacific Northwest heat wave One year after the worst Pacific Northwest heat wave on record left hundreds dead, the region finds itself largely better prepared.
Impactswww.flickr.com Why Europe doesn't have air conditioning Many in Europe have long dismissed air conditioning as an unnecessary luxury. That might be changing.
Solutions We need major air-conditioner innovation for a warming world Building more efficient AC and refrigerators could prevent the equivalent of eight years of global emissions over the next four decades.
Solutions How London’s trees help boost the local economy Shady trees mean less air conditioning and increased worker productivity in the summer months.