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Video: Cerrado farmer shot amid escalating conflict with agribusiness

Video: Cerrado farmer shot amid escalating conflict with agribusiness

Long simmering land disputes between traditional communities and large-scale agribusiness in Brazil's Cerrado savanna biome appear to be intensifying.

David Hill: 10 reasons U.S. must hold Peru to trade deal and protect Amazon

David Hill: 10 reasons U.S. must hold Peru to trade deal and protect Amazon

Peru's placing of its independent forest inspection agency in the Ministry of Environment – likely a U.S. trade agreement violation – is a serious setback in Amazon illegal logging fight.

Amazon at risk: Brazil plans rapid road and rail infrastructure expansion

Amazon at risk: Brazil plans rapid road and rail infrastructure expansion

Newly appointed Minister of Infrastructure Tarcísio Freitas is resolved to build new Amazon roads and railroads, but expresses limited patience for environmental or indigenous concerns.
Saving the Amazon has come at the cost of Cerrado deforestation: Study

Saving the Amazon has come at the cost of Cerrado deforestation: Study

The benefits of zero-deforestation agreements in the Amazon are being offset by the spillover of deforestation and native vegetation loss into other biomes.