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Wind turbine blades could soon be recyclable
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Biden's top climate advisor visits China to push for stronger emission cuts
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Supreme Court considers halting Biden's EPA climate rule

Supreme Court considers halting Biden's EPA climate rule

The Supreme Court may undermine the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's latest rule on emissions from power plants, following challenges from conservative states and industry groups.

Niina H. Farah reports for E&E News.

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Ed Miliband to lead UK delegation at COP29

Ed Miliband to lead UK delegation at COP29

Ed Miliband will spearhead the UK’s efforts at this year's crucial climate summit in Azerbaijan, marking a significant change from the Conservative government's approach.

Fiona Harvey reports for The Guardian.

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Tory MPs fail to support climate issues since 2010, study shows

Tory MPs fail to support climate issues since 2010, study shows

No Conservative MPs have voted positively on climate issues since 2010, according to a VoteClimate study.

Fiona Harvey reports for The Guardian.

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Photo by Sara Cottle on Unsplash

How the US supreme court and an Idaho couple upended wetlands protection

Often dismissed as dismal wet bogs and rampantly cleared since European arrival in the US, the underappreciated importance of wetlands has been placed into sharp relief by a supreme court ruling that has plunged many of these ecosystems into new peril.

UK climate leadership
Photo by Marcin Nowak on Unsplash

Why is Britain retreating from global leadership on climate action?

While Britain has long been a leader in cutting emissions, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is now implementing a stunning reversal of climate-friendly policies, with new plans to “max out” oil production. Business leaders have joined environmentalists in condemning the moves.
fracking texas energy
Big Stock Photo

Texas fracking billionaire brothers fuel rightwing media with millions of dollars

Farris and Dan Wilks’ deep pockets fund climate denialism education, conservative politicians and pro-fossil fuel projects.

climate conservatives politics
Image by Spencer Garner from Pixabay

Young conservatives see win in climate change question at GOP debate

Members of a group that mobilizes young conservatives cheer the chance to quiz Republican presidential candidates on climate change.