
Top Tweets
Rising natural disasters overwhelm emergency responders
Floods once again devastate Pakistan, two years after 2022 disaster
Biden's climate law may boost oil production through enhanced recovery
Australia weighs delay on 2035 climate goals amid US election uncertainty
California salmon stocks are crashing
USFWS Pacific Southwest/Flickr

California salmon stocks are crashing. A fishing ban looks certain.

Scientists say alarming declines at the southern end of the fishes’ range may be a sign of what’s to come as waters warm farther north.
san luis canal california aqueduct water

California floated cutting major Southwest cities off Colorado River water before touching its agriculture supply

In a closed-door negotiation last week over the fate of the Colorado River, representatives from California’s powerful water districts proposed modeling what the basin’s future would look like if some of the West’s biggest cities – including Phoenix and Las Vegas – were cut off from the river’s water supply.

Whole Foods to stop buying Maine lobster amid risk to endangered species
Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

Whole Foods to stop buying Maine lobster amid risk to endangered species

Maine’s political leaders criticized the decision, which was based on assessments by two conservation groups that have raised concerns that North Atlantic right whales have become entangled in the ropes used to fish for lobster.
cow burps farts emissions new zealand climate solutions

New Zealand wants to tax farmers for their cows' burps and farts

A burp or fart at the dinner table might land you in trouble – but if you’re a cow or sheep in New Zealand, it might land your owner a hefty tax bill.

gulf oil drilling climate causes politics

Where the new climate law means more drilling, not less

A compromise built into the law ensures oil and gas leasing in the Gulf of Mexico for the next decade. Activists say the region has been “sacrificed” to fossil fuels.
To save whales, don’t eat lobster

To save whales, don’t eat lobster, watchdog group says

The group says that the shellfish, long considered a more responsible choice, cannot be considered a guilt-free meal anymore.
rehoboth beach flooding delaware climate

Biden's Delaware vacation home faces 'extreme' flood risk as climate change leads to rising seas

The President’s vacation home near Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, is in the middle of a flood zone, and an analysis by a climate research group shows that the house is facing “extreme” flooding risk that is expected to get more severe over time.