colorado department of public health and environment

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energy colorado pollution climate toxics

Colorado set to miss 2024 deadline to reduce ozone pollution

An independent board tasked with improving Colorado’s air quality believes the state will fall short of meeting an Environmental Protection Agency requirement to lower toxic air pollution by 2024, but will be able to reach an older, more lax emissions-reduction target three years later.

colorado air quality epa

Colorado air quality: EPA wants neighboring western states to curb missions, pollution

The Environmental Protection Agency for the first time is proposing a measure that would force four Western states to reduce their harmful emissions because of the impact they’re having on air quality in neighboring states — including Colorado.

pollution wildfire toxics climate impacts
Photo by Kait Herzog on Unsplash

Colorado's bad air this summer may be the best you'll see

Along Colorado's Front Range, bad air is becoming the summer norm. And while this year's pollution, which data shows is some of the worst in decades, may bother you now, it is relatively benign compared with what scientists project for the future.

Ozone pollution in Colorado is spiking

Ozone pollution in Colorado is spiking. Here's what you need to know.

Colorado’s Front Range ground-level ozone air pollution broke the federal health limit this week. Here’s what you need to know this summer.
suncor pollution oil energy

Battle over Suncor oil refinery intensifies as state weighs permit renewal, metro Denver residents demand closure

Metro Denver residents testifying in public hearings demanded closure of the problem-plagued Suncor Energy oil refinery, urging Colorado health officials not to renew the refinery's outdated operating permits that allow air pollution.

colorado wildfires climate

As Colorado wildfires burn, fears that climate change is causing "multi-level emergency" mount

The record-breaking forest fires burning in Colorado even as winter sets in are the latest sign climate warming is hitting the West hard, causing scientists to up their rhetoric and warn it is past time to move beyond planning and start aggressively acting.

Colorado sees "significant declines" in air pollution as coronavirus ramps down driving, industrial activity

Colorado sees "significant declines" in air pollution as coronavirus ramps down driving, industrial activity

At least temporarily, air pollution that hurts human lungs has decreased sharply along Colorado’s Front Range as the novel coronavirus spreads.