Image by Markéta (Machová) Klimešová from Pixabay
What 5,000-year-old skeletons tell us about living with climate change
Collapse isn’t inevitable. New research shows that nimble, cooperative societies adapted best to rapid shifts.
EOL Learning and Educatio/Flickr
How agriculture hastens species extinction
Scientists believe humans are now causing a mass extinction of plants and animals. Modern agriculture is a major contributor.
Matthew Fang/Flickr
The infamous 1972 report that warned of civilization's collapse
The Limits to Growth argued that rampant pollution and resource extraction were pushing Earth to the brink. How does it hold up 50 years later?
We’ve breached Earth’s threshold for chemical pollution, study says
A new study has found that the release of novel entities — artificial chemicals and other human-made pollutants — has accelerated to a point that we have crossed a “planetary boundary,” threatening the entire Earth operating system, along with humanity.
What to expect from the world′s sixth mass extinction
Humans alive today are witnessing the beginning of the first mass extinction in 65 million years. What does biodiversity loss mean for us and the environment?
Photo by Artur Zudin on Unsplash
Two UK energy suppliers collapse amid record surge in prices
The record energy market surge has claimed its first casualties after two UK suppliers collapsed, leaving almost 100,000 customers without an energy supplier.
Deadly condo collapse linked to climate change
After a Miami condo building collapsed in a deadly tragedy last week, experts are now probing the role that climate change played in the building's well-documented and largely-ignored deterioration.