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A group of people march with science advocating for science.
Oil pump jacks and flares with vegetation in foreground.
Images of a chicken and a pig fade into images of piles of pharmaceutical capsules.
An African man and woman pour water on a trough of charcoal and move it around with a stick.

Secretary Zinke, it's time to call it quits.

Working to undermine the agency you were charged with leading is not just a betrayal of those who work there; it is a betrayal of the Americans the agency serves.

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Bloomberg's charity donates $64 million to 'war on coal.'
Mike Bloomberg

Bloomberg's charity donates $64 million to 'war on coal.'

Former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg’s charity gave another $64 million to a campaign that aims to slash the number of U.S. coal-fired plants by two thirds by 2020, he said on Wednesday.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg’s charity gave another $64 million to a campaign that aims to slash the number of U.S. coal-fired plants by two thirds by 2020, he said on Wednesday.

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Mr. Trump nails shut the coffin on climate relief.

Ending goals to cut emissions from coal-fired power plants will be the most serious blow to President Obama’s legacy on global warming.

The Trump administration formally proposed on Tuesday to roll back yet another of President Barack Obama’s efforts to position the United States as a global leader in the fight against climate change. The move, though widely anticipated, was deeply disheartening. In March Mr. Trump ordered Scott Pruitt, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, to repeal the Clean Power Plan, which was aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants. Mr. Pruitt, a climate denier closely tied to the fossil fuel industry, was only too happy to oblige — boasting to an audience of Kentucky coal miners on Monday that the plan was dead and that “the war on coal is over.”

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A dirty power plan.

Many states plan to maintain their own clean-air regulations. The N.C. legislature, unfortunately, won’t allow that here.

Our Opinion: A dirty power plan

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'Shocking' spike in Hunter Valley's coal-linked air pollution fails to prompt action.

Air pollution from the Hunter Valley coal mines gets so bad for Wendy Wales on occasion that she has called neighbours warning them of a bushfire, mistaking the dust for smoke.

'Shocking' spike in Hunter Valley's coal-linked air pollution fails to prompt action

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Government move foils effort to reveal coal mine damage, environment groups say.

Extending the life of the Springvale coal mine will raise to "extreme" the risk of damage to upland swamps while locking in long-term pollution issues for Sydney's water catchment, according to evidence prepared for the Land and Environment Court.

Extending the life of the Springvale coal mine will raise to "extreme" the risk of damage to upland swamps while locking in long-term pollution issues for Sydney's water catchment, according to evidence prepared for the Land and Environment Court.

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EPA clears way for more pollution.

If you want the Trump administration to favor coal plants, then that's what you are getting. Just don't call it a competitive market when dirty energy is allowed to pollute for free in order to compete with clean energy.

Who pays for the 52,000 deaths a year in the United States caused by small particulates and other air pollution released by coal-fired power plants?

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