
Top Tweets
trump plans to dismantle climate funding
Australia weighs delay on 2035 climate goals amid US election uncertainty
Biden's climate law may boost oil production through enhanced recovery
European farming lobbies agree to shift toward less meat consumption
China reduces coal plant approvals after a recent surge

China reduces coal plant approvals after a recent surge

China significantly reduced approvals for new coal-fired power plants in the first half of 2024 following a surge in previous years that raised concerns about its climate commitments.

Ken Moritsugu reports for The Associated Press.

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Wyoming hesitates to embrace solar energy despite its potential

Wyoming hesitates to embrace solar energy despite its potential

Wyoming has the ideal conditions for solar energy, yet its development lags behind due to political and economic ties to fossil fuels.

Jake Bolster reports for Inside Climate News.

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Top Story
US wind and solar could surpass coal for the first time in 2024

US wind and solar could surpass coal for the first time in 2024

Wind and solar power generation exceeded coal in the first seven months of 2024, positioning renewables to potentially outpace coal for the entire year.

Benjamin Storrow reports for E&E News.

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China's renewable energy surge could signal peak in emissions

China's renewable energy surge could signal peak in emissions

China’s massive expansion of renewable energy in 2024, equivalent to the UK’s entire electricity output, might indicate that the country’s greenhouse gas emissions have peaked.

Fiona Harvey reports for The Guardian.

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India turns to coal amid rising electricity demand

India turns to coal amid rising electricity demand

India is increasing its coal usage to meet soaring electricity demands, despite its efforts to expand renewable energy.

Sibi Arasu reports for The Associated Press.

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J.D. Vance emissions regulatory assault
Credit: Mark Dixon, Blue Lens, LLC/Flickr

JD Vance's involvement weakens environmental regulations on steel emissions

Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance played a significant role in weakening federal rules aimed at protecting steelworkers and nearby communities from harmful emissions, according to documents reviewed by The Lever.

Grey Moran reports for The Lever.

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Northeast Ohio to replace century-old coal plant with solar and storage

Northeast Ohio to replace century-old coal plant with solar and storage

A century-old coal-fired power plant in Painesville, Ohio, will be replaced by a solar farm and battery storage system thanks to federal funding.

Dan Gearino reports for Inside Climate News.

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