co2 capture
Summit will make new pipeline permit application in South Dakota
Summit Carbon Solutions says it will reapply for a permit after changing its route, a process that could take more than a year.
Judge: Summit should reveal communities threatened by pipeline leaks
An administrative law judge ruled against Summit Carbon Solutions in a dispute about the relevance of its carbon dioxide plume modeling.
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New Midwest battles brew over CO2 pipelines
Proposed pipelines to move carbon dioxide, a byproduct of ethanol production, would crisscross the Upper Midwest like spiderwebs. From North Dakota to Illinois, thousands of planned miles of metal pipeline would link dozens of ethanol plants, including Granite Falls Energy and an even larger facility up the road in Atwater.
Can combining geothermal heat with direct air capture solve the climate crisis?
A company is planning to combine two technologies: geothermal power and direct air capture.
Carbon pipeline opponents decry ‘sham’ process
A protest by dozens of people sought to pressure the Iowa Utilities Board to deny eminent domain for the pipelines.
Money grows on trees for owners who save small forests
In an effort to combat climate change, some owners of small forests in Chesapeake Bay drainage states are being paid to either delay harvesting trees or take other steps to make their woods better at capturing carbon dioxide from the air.
Solid Carbon Project
An ocean of optimism to trap emissions
The Solid Carbon initiative aims to scrub vast amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air before pumping it into basalt reservoirs below the ocean floor, where it will transform into rock.