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A woman wearing safety goggles, gloves and a face mask holds the sides of her goggles.
Document with redacted sections blacked out.
Surrounded by people, Donald Trump holds a printed document as he sits at a podium with the presidential seal.
Offshore oil rig.
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Appalachian groups express frustration over first $30 million in federal hydrogen hub funding

“This award represents a continued commitment to invest in a natural gas industry that has added to the pollution and health burdens in the region.”

PITTSBURGH — On July 31, the federal government announced $30 million of funding for the Appalachian Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub, or ARCH2, which plans to create hydrogen from natural gas and other sources.

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The hydrogen money is here, just in time for the hype

The hydrogen money is here, just in time for the hype

In a conference filled to the brim with announcements, the U.S. Department of Energy used the occasion of the Global Clean Energy Action Forum in Pittsburgh to start the race for $7 billion in hydrogen funding.

Climate change in Pa.: More storm-driven power outages possible, analysis says

Climate change in Pa.: More storm-driven power outages possible, analysis says

As climate change increases the chance of severe storms, outages could become more frequent if utilities don’t act to harden the electric grid.
Peter Dykstra: Meet the Zeroes
Credit: Oljamu at Pixabay

Peter Dykstra: Meet the Zeroes

Back in the day, even the climate-denying, drill-baby-drill zealots tried to maintain a saving green grace. Not anymore.

Once upon a time, environmentalists’ favorite villains always kept a pet green cause in their back pockets.

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Ruth Greenspan Bell: Wealth and the climate dilemma
Credit: Andrew Martin from Pixabay

Ruth Greenspan Bell: Wealth and the climate dilemma

Developing countries that increase their fossil fuel production are at a crossroads: securing their own long-term well-being or earning revenue to finance programs to support immediate economic growth.

Irony abounds as we close out a summer that brought the death of the climate truthteller, scientist James Lovelock, along with news that more countries in Africa and South America have decided to exploit, aggressively, their fossil fuel production – protected areas and former promises be damned.

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environmental health pollution
Credit: Pixelshot

What is environmental health?

Examining a massive influence on our health: the environment.

We've been reporting on environmental health for 20 years. But what is environmental health? You've got questions, and we have answers.

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Poll: 75% of Pennsylvanians accept evidence of climate change

Poll: 75% of Pennsylvanians accept evidence of climate change

A new statewide poll shows three quarters of Pennsylvanians accept that global warming is happening.