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paralytic shellfish poisoning climate

Food poisoning from marine toxins could be on the rise in Canada

Food poisoning from contaminated shellfish could soon be on the rise in Canada and experts say that warming global temperatures are partly to blame.

climate news forecasters canada

Canadian television weather presenters change upbeat tune due to climate change

Weather forecaster Warren Dean is among several Canadian on-air weather personalities who say they've been shifting their tone and approach in light of worsening climate change.

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The year in climate news

The year in climate news

2021 was yet another year that felt like five. It began with a presidential transition, riots at the Capitol and a blackout in Texas. Before summer had even begun, drought, heat and fires had already torn across the West.

vegan burgers climate solutions
Photo by Fiona Calisti on Unsplash

Warming trends: Best-smelling vegan burgers, the benefits of short buildings and better habitats for pollinators

Which brand of plant-based meat alternative best imitates the fatty aroma of cooked beef? A new study tested it out.

Why are some Pacific lagoon corals resistant to climate change?
Photo by Steve Halama on Unsplash

Why are some Pacific lagoon corals resistant to climate change?

While there is no question that climate change is affecting coral, the level and type of impact is not uniform.

climate impacts sea level rise

Could sea level rise cut off Nova Scotia from the rest of North America?

Experts say that sea level rise is having a noticeable impact in Atlantic Canada and is putting some towns in jeopardy.
facebook co2 emission fake news

How CO2 boosters' op-ed slipped by Facebook fact-checkers

Climate scientists working as fact-checkers for Facebook evaluated a post by a White House-connected group that claims the world needs to burn more fossil fuels.They marked it as false under the social medium's standards. It didn't last long.