climate history

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wind turbines lined up in a green field
Palm trees bending in the wind
Coal power plant with emissions rising from towers
Liquid Natural Gas tanker
Fossil fjords in Africa hold clues to how the Arctic could look in a distant future

Fossil fjords in Africa hold clues to how the Arctic could look in a distant future

Namibia holds a network of fossil fjords that could help climate scientists better understand the climate of the past while also offering insights into the role modern fjords play in a warmer world, suggest the authors of a recent scientific paper.

Marvin Gaye

Mercy, Mercy Me

Measuring a 50 year-old plea from a legendary singer.

On a week where an attempted Capitol takeover shook the U.S. to its core, I thought it fitting to look back at some prophetic words from the man who famously crooned, "what's going on?"

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Portland Public Schools launches climate change-focused curriculum, with PGE grant

Portland Public Schools launches climate change-focused curriculum, with PGE grant

The protests, the walk-outs and the persistence over climate change is paying off for Portland students.

The Carbon Ruins museum exhibit looks back on the present from 2053

The Carbon Ruins museum exhibit looks back on the present from 2053

When you walk inside an exhibit currently on display in Lund, Sweden, you're asked to imagine that the year is 2053. Three years earlier, the world reached a goal of net-zero emissions. And you're standing inside a new museum looking back at the end of what the exhibit calls the "fossil age."

What 17th century's "Little Ice Age" teaches us on climate change

What 17th century's "Little Ice Age" teaches us on climate change

To get some sense of the future we face, a new book looks backward at a time of extreme weather and societal transformation.
Republicans and Democrats have both become more concerned about climate change, study says

Republicans and Democrats have both become more concerned about climate change, study says

A Yale study published Wednesday reports that overall, Americans have become more concerned about climate change in the past year, with small or no differences between respondents from different parties, races, ages and education levels.

Merrill Matthews: Where’s the proof climate change causes the polar vortex?

Merrill Matthews: Where’s the proof climate change causes the polar vortex?

Today, the "polar vortex" meteorological phenomenon has become one more pawn in the climate change debate.