climate displacement

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climate migration skews census
Credit: Loco Steve/Flickr

A broken census can’t keep up with climate migration in Louisiana

Four years after back-to-back hurricanes slammed Lake Charles, Louisiana, the city is still grappling with the long-term impact of population loss, complicating its recovery and future political representation.

Zoya Teirstein reports for Grist.

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hurricane katrina evacuees resettlement

Houston’s struggle to help Katrina evacuees stands as cautionary tale

After Hurricane Katrina, Houston’s initial warm embrace of 200,000 evacuees turned cold as racial tensions and media-driven fears about crime escalated.

Jake Bittle reports for Grist.

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UN Loss and Damage Fund

A new climate fund aims to aid developing countries

The new UN Loss and Damage Fund aims to be a game-changer in climate finance by providing quick and direct relief to regions affected by climate disasters like floods, droughts, and heatwaves.

Bob Berwyn reports for Inside Climate News.

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Rising Atlantic sea levels
Credit: Virginia Sea Grant/Flickr

Rising sea levels pose new challenges for southern US coasts

A rapid increase in sea levels across the southern U.S. is compelling coastal communities to adapt to unprecedented environmental changes.

Chris Mooney, Brady Dennis, Kevin Crowe, and John Muyskens report for The Washington Post.

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Marshall Islands climate resilience
Credit: Erin Magee, DFAT/Sarah Boyd/Flickr

The Marshall Islands aren’t giving in to sea level rise

The precariously placed island nation has put together a comprehensive—if expensive—plan to survive sea level rise.
Miami climate gentrification
Credit: 2C2K Photography/Flickr

How a Black Miami neighborhood became ‘ground zero for climate gentrification’

A documentary, Razing Liberty Square, examines the plight of families in Liberty City as developers ‘revitalize’ community on desirable higher land.

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climate-driven flood migration

Flooding drives millions to move as climate-driven migration patterns emerge

Flood risk and climate change are pushing millions of people to move from their homes, according to a new study by the risk analysis firm First Street Foundation.