climate change skeptics

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Harris could prioritize stricter climate policies if elected
A 1960s effort to ban gas-powered cars offers lessons for today
Climate change skeptics live where its effects are hurting economy most: Study

Climate change skeptics live where its effects are hurting economy most: Study

Americans who least believe in climate change live where its effects are forecast to hurt most, Brookings Institution says.

Climate change skeptics most likely to be harmed by it

Climate change skeptics most likely to be harmed by it

Nine of the 10 states contending with the highest losses of county income voted for President Trump in 2016, including, in order, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Alabama.

What on Earth? Why climate change skeptics are backing geoengineering

What on Earth? Why climate change skeptics are backing geoengineering

Under the Trump administration, these eclectic, messianic and mostly untested projects have been gaining unprecedented momentum.

This group thinks Trump hasn’t done enough to unravel environmental rules. Here’s its wish list

This group thinks Trump hasn’t done enough to unravel environmental rules. Here’s its wish list

A three-page “Energy Freedom Scorecard” details how the Trump administration has aggressively undone environmental rules and climate policy. But for the Heartland Institute, it's not nearly enough.