climate and diet

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U.S. Supreme Court bathed in evening sunlight.
A pile of old discarded clothing in a waste heap with the sun peeking out from behind.
A graphic that shows the water cycle.
The U.S. Capitol building and steps in Washington, DC. with a blue sky in background.
Climate-friendly diets can make a huge difference – even if you don’t go all-out vegan | Environment | The Guardian

Climate-friendly diets can make a huge difference – even if you don’t go all-out vegan | Environment | The Guardian

Changing habits can be hard but even partial shifts from meat-based menus could significantly decrease planet-heating emissions
Philip H. Howard: Fake meat won't solve the climate crisis

Philip H. Howard: Fake meat won't solve the climate crisis

A new report questions the dramatic environmental claims that alternative proteins can save the planet, disrupt the status quo, or challenge the power of the corporate food industry.