climate and biodiversity

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Trump stands at a podium with a clenched fist and an american flag in background.
Forest fire fighter standing in silhouette in front of a stand of trees.
Huge wave breaking against the side of a ship.
Sign in the desert that says Caution! Extreme Heat Danger.
In a warming climate, we need to radically rethink how we conserve nature
Photo by J-Photos on Unsplash

In a warming climate, we need to radically rethink how we conserve nature

Parks and refuges aren't enough to preserve America’s environment. Land, water, and wildlife need to be protected everywhere.
Climate change stress is prematurely aging lizards

Climate change stress is prematurely aging lizards

In the South of France, temperatures are accelerating so quickly that many newborn lizards enter the world with DNA that’s already damaged and aged.
Daniel Zarin: We need Nature-Positive Solutions to address the climate crisis

Daniel Zarin: We need Nature-Positive Solutions to address the climate crisis

“Nature-Based Solutions” and “Natural Climate Solutions” leave too much room for greenwashing.