climate advocates

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A sun lounger covered in snow in front of a wooden fence.
Water pipes being installed in a trench.
Burned car, house and forest in the mountains.
A hill with fire and dark gray smoke rising above it.
Prince Charles speaking at the 2015 United Nation Climate Change Conference - COP21 (Paris, Le Bourget)
Credit: flickr - Arnaud Bouissou

Peter Dykstra: Does climate action need a king?

Tradition could silence Charles III’s passionate voice on climate change. But should it?

So let’s figure this out: The Prince of Wales, historically passionate and outspoken about climate change, biodiversity and ocean issues, is supposed to clam up just as he rises to maximum visibility and influence?

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climate renewable energy politics

The question that haunts climate advocates

The economics of renewable energy drive the cost and feasibility of climate policy - and they have dramatically shifted for the better. But the Democratic Party still faces the same coalition issues that doomed its effort more than a decade ago.

America cares about climate change again

America cares about climate change again

For the first time in years, a broad spectrum of climate advocates is playing offense.