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Trump EPA
digital genetic code biopiracy
Harris could prioritize stricter climate policies if elected
A 1960s effort to ban gas-powered cars offers lessons for today
Why Elon's right, why he's right again, why he's wrong, & why he's super wrong & being boneheaded

Why Elon's right, why he's right again, why he's wrong, & why he's super wrong & being boneheaded

Look, Elon Musk has more expertise in electric drivetrains, batteries, big-ass rockets, and building multi-billion-dollar companies. In a "who's more credible when it comes to cleantech" poll, there's a solid chance the cleantech king would win — and win big. As it should be. I expect him to have more nuts & bolts expertise than me!

The world added nearly 30 percent more solar energy capacity in 2017

The world added nearly 30 percent more solar energy capacity in 2017

The global solar market grew 29.3 percent last year, with nations installing 98.9 gigawatts of new capacity, according to data from the industry group SolarPower Europe. While more capacity was installed in 2017, the global growth rate slowed last year, down from 49 percent in 2016, according to energy news site CleanTechnica.