Green cleaning products now perform as effectively as conventional ones, provided they have independent certifications like Green Seal and EPA Safer Choice.
At speeds up to 60 mph, it's more fuel-efficient to drive with car windows down; above that, using the AC is better, especially for sedans.
Cloth cleaning rags are generally more effective and environmentally friendly than paper towels, but use paper towels for particularly messy jobs.
Key quote:
“Green products can and do perform as effectively as traditional cleaning products.”
— Jason Marshall, Toxics Use Reduction Institute at the University of Massachusetts at Lowell.
Why this matters:
Everyday household products, from cleaning supplies to furniture, often contain toxic chemicals that can pose significant health risks. By opting for eco-friendly alternatives, we can reduce our exposure to these harmful substances.
From the "Who could've foreseen this?" file: Crews are working to clean up a pipeline leak that has spilled at least 210,000 gallons of oil in South Dakota.