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Wildfires: How they form, and why they're so dangerous.

Everything you need to know about wildfires.

As deadly wildfires continue to rage across Northern California’s wine country, with winds picking up speed overnight and worsening conditions to now include a combined 54,000 acres of torched land, it now seems more important than ever to understand how wildfires work, and their lasting implications on our health and the environment.

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Warming oceans may make ‘Nemo’ harder to find.

Heat bleaches sea anemones, too, causing the iconic clownfish to stop laying eggs. Here’s how.

Like coral reefs, sea anemones—with their flashy, tentacle-like polyps that waggle and wave in vibrant reds, greens, pinks, and yellows—provide homes and hiding spots for dozens of fish species, most memorably the orange clownfish made famous in Finding Nemo. Also like coral, rising water temperatures associated with climate change can severely weaken these anemones, causing them to expel the tiny symbionts that keep them alive and lend them color, a process known as bleaching.

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'Shocking' spike in Hunter Valley's coal-linked air pollution fails to prompt action.

Air pollution from the Hunter Valley coal mines gets so bad for Wendy Wales on occasion that she has called neighbours warning them of a bushfire, mistaking the dust for smoke.

'Shocking' spike in Hunter Valley's coal-linked air pollution fails to prompt action

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Disturbing allegations of sexual harassment leveled at noted scientist.

Years ago, two women allege, their team leader sexually harassed them in Antarctica. Now they are taking action.

A COLD CASE Years ago, two women allege, their team

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It is time to transform, not just rebuild, in Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rico's new infrastructure, particularly in a context of growing environmental threats related to climate change, cannot be built on a foundation of austerity.

Wednesday, October 04, 2017

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What we get wrong about Lyme disease.
Katharine Walter

What we get wrong about Lyme disease.

The stories we tell about the epidemic get things backward.


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