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William S. Becker: Quit Big Oil - our health is at stake

What do cigarettes and oil have in common? The answer: Both are deadly, but the industries that produce them covered up the risks to continue profiting from Americans’ addiction to their products.

Carbon capture: climate change’s “healthy” cigarette

Carbon capture: climate change’s “healthy” cigarette

The tobacco industry made millions selling “healthy cigarettes” even when it knew smoking killed. Decades later, will the fossil fuel industry get away selling us “healthy” carbon using the tobacco industry’s playbook?
fuel gas fossil fuels

Fossil fuel warning labels

Gone are the days of the Marlboro Man and the glossy ads that make smoking Virginia Slims seem cool. Now the Surgeon General's warning could make a migration to fuel pumps, listing the level of emissions you'll contribute to the atmosphere with your purchase and the number of lives you could endanger.

Warning: Smoking kills you — and the planet

Warning: Smoking kills you — and the planet

Health warnings for smokers have never been clearer. But what about the health of the planet? Cigarette butts are the most common item of single-use plastic waste in the world — and that's only one piece of the puzzle.