cecelia smith schoenwalder

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Trump EPA
digital genetic code biopiracy
Harris could prioritize stricter climate policies if elected
A 1960s effort to ban gas-powered cars offers lessons for today
Report: EU likely to miss greenhouse gas reduction target

Report: EU likely to miss greenhouse gas reduction target

The EU has pushed to be seen as a leader in fighting climate change, but a report casts doubt on the effectiveness of its efforts.
Poll: Young Republicans break with party on climate change

Poll: Young Republicans break with party on climate change

Of Republican adults, women and millennials lead the party on wanting more action from the federal government to fight climate change, according to a new survey.
Democratic National Committee denies 2020 climate change debate

Democratic National Committee denies 2020 climate change debate

A DNC panel on Thursday voted down a resolution calling for a presidential primary debate focused on climate change.
Largest seaweed bloom in the world discovered

Largest seaweed bloom in the world discovered

The 5,000-mile long bloom, which runs from West Africa to the Gulf of Mexico, weighs about 20 million metric tons.
DNC to consider hosting climate change debate

DNC to consider hosting climate change debate

The Democratic National Committee is examining two proposals that could allow for a presidential debate focused solely on climate change.
U.S. pressure bars Arctic climate change declaration

U.S. pressure bars Arctic climate change declaration

The eight countries that border the Arctic failed to come to an agreement for the first time since 1996.
NASA study confirms global warming trends

NASA study confirms global warming trends

The government’s space agency verified global warming trends – with one disturbing difference.